IRIS project

The general objective of the IRIS project is to develop a new family of Read Out Integrated Circuits (ROICs) for uncooled MWIR high-speed imagers with resolutions above 340×220 pixels.


The GENERAL objective of the PHOTONFOOD project is to investigate the application of photonic technologies in the agri-food chain …

CLAUDIT project

Active laser enclosures with intelligent detection threshold by thermography that increase productivity and safety in the metalworking sector

COMSENSO project

COMSENSO Project – Laser-Assisted WAAM Technology Additive Manufacturing of Sensorized Multimaterial Components


The objective of the CONFIADIT project is the development of a new real-time monitoring and control system for laser additive manufacturing processes adapted to new techniques such as those that use high-speed galvo-scanners to direct the laser spot.