The ROYAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING ackowledges New Infrared Technologies (NIT) with the awar “ACADEMIAE DILECTA”
The Royal Academy of Engineering awards annually the Academiae Dilecta prize with the aim of acknowledging companies whose professional activity is based on the study of and research into scientific and technical rationale in engineering, their technological applications and technical operations, as well as aspects involving projects, development and running of their creations.
In the 2016 edition, New Infrared Technologies (NIT) has been chosen as the winner of this prestigious acknowledgement. The mission of New Infrared Technologies (NIT) consists of putting onto the market state-of-the-art infrared detectors at highly competitive prices, with the aim of fostering innovation and development into new applications based on IR detection. This general interest and high-quality purpose has led to market acceptance for the company’s products, and been a key factor in its consideration as a firm worthy of the award on the part of the jury.
Mr. Elías Fereres, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, gave the award Academiae Dilecta 2016 to Mr. Arturo Baldasano Supervielle, President of the Board:
– For developing a unique, world-class technology, that allows the manufacturing of uncooled MWIR infrared detectors and cameras, with affordable prizing and high-speed capabilities, and commercializing worldwide their products for new applications in the industrial market
– For completing a pioneering engineering development with materials and devices, unique in its class, in the area of detectors and cameras for the MWIR: uncooled, high-speed, affordable prizing
– For the development of high-skilled products that, due to their specifications and costs, are currently sold to more than 150 international customers around the world from multiple industrial sectors and system integrators
– For keeping a high investment in R&D activities and participate in multiple EU projects, achieving an international recognition in exhibitions and specialized media about imaging, machine vision and defense.
The prize-giving ceremony was held in the Plenary of the Royal Academy on the 22nd of November of 2016 at the RAI’s new headquarters.
Mr. Arturo Baldasano Supervielle, President of the Board, collects the award Academiae Dilecta 2016
Diploma awarding New Infrared Technologies as Academiae Dilecta 2016
New Infrared Technologies’ staff
Award-giving ceremony Royal Academy of Engineering (2016) – source: Intereconomía TV
Award-giving ceremony Royal Academy of Engineering (2016) – source: Royal Academy of Engineering