News / Exhibitions


CUSTODIAN Project – Customized photonic devices for defectless laser based manufacturing

Innovation Radar Prize 2018

New Infrared Technologies (NIT) has been awarded with the Innovation Radar Prize 2018, category ‘Industrial & Enabling Tech’.

LAMPAS project

LAMpAS technology satisfies the increasing demand for products with novel surface performances at an affordable cost by the combination of high-power ultrashort laser sources in combination with new optical concepts for fast materials processing with minimal heat impact on the work piece.

New Infrared Technologies (NIT) Academiae Dilecta

The ROYAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING ackowledges New Infrared Technologies (NIT) with the awar “ACADEMIAE DILECTA”

FLAIR project

FLAIR – FLying ultrA-broadband single-shot Infra-Red sensor (2016)